Saturday, June 12, 2010

England VS USA.

I love the Britains at the end of the day.

But it sure was fun to watch the World Cup game of USA vs England.

1-1 = a draw, which is very good!

It was very funny. Our one goal, was the softest goal one can ever expect to witness at this level of competition. It was the goalie of WestHam United, my ex's favorite soccer/football team. I thought that was interesting.

What I liked most of all was feeling in the moment. My eyes were absolutely glued to the 50 inch plasma television my parents have, and the surround sound was spectacular.

Clearly, the USA were the underdogs. And that, coupled with my COUNTRY fighting to advance in a sport that's not their best suit, made me support them even more.

The athleticism, how graceful the soccer players are, how much team work it requires, and just how talented they are is so humbling. I really enjoyed watching it with my dad at home. I can't remember the last time I watched 'a game' with my dad or anyone rather.

The last time I believe, was my Freshman year of college when I went to watch a Rockets vs Laker's game at the Galleria but only caught the 4th quarter.

I was very happy to be a part of this historical moment. I watched the game with the rest of the world today. I had so much team spirit. So incredibly fun. I have World Cup fever!

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