Friday, June 4, 2010


I remember watching the news on Friday - everyone had already gone home so it was so still besides a clear articulate voice speaking from the flat LCD screen of my floor's cafe area. A CNN Correspondent was paying tribute to the 11 rig workers that died on the Deepwater Horizon in April. Not just saying the number, as every news broadcast has been doing (which in my opinion is not enough), but actually taking the time to read the NAMES and a short DESCRIPTION to capture the personality behind the individual.

I couldn't take it.

To see these pictures. To hear the descriptions. To hear the people they left behind, wives, children, and family. Some descriptions were a whole page long, and by that point, I'm sure it wasn't even enough.

It was Transocean's company magazine that was given to the CNN correspondent, and to hear that everyone working on the solution had a quiet humbleness that simply wanted to fix the problem, devoid of complaining, brought tears to my eyes.

To the 11: I take it upon myself to understand the part I will play in the overall scheme of things. I am the 'i' in every team, whether it's my family, friends, a work project, or organization. I always contribute. I always matter. And I always affect the outcome.

I think we should never forget the loss of these 11 lives. That when you cut corners and you sacrifice safety, this is what can happen. You're losing human lives over human error. We're human, so we have to be as safe as we can by looking out for each other.

I'm inspired to focus on the fact that these individuals who are pulling together to put a cap on the well and to drill relief wells are doing so with a quiet dignity that is always thinking of the 11 that lost their lives for an industry they believed in. That's amazing team work.

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